Women’s Ecstatic Dance – DJ
May 5
6:30 – 9:30 pm
$20 at the Door

Friday May 5th

6:30 – 9:30

Salt Lake Krishna Temple

965 E. 3370 S, SLC, UT 84106

$20 at the door


Full Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse, Cinco de Mayo , Women dancing together – what else do you need?!

Bring an alter item for the community alter (you will take it home with you) and bring a girlfriend. Daughters under 18 attending with their mother are free.



Full Moon in Scorpio and Lunar Eclipse! A powerful time to go deep – into the body and emotions, to move through and let go of what you are DONE WITH. It is also called the flower moon and has the energy of letting go into new beginnings, bringing vulnerability to the process – getting real. Self care energy is also present in these energies…thank goodness! “May the energies of transformation be kind with me” is a good way to go with this!

A perfect time to be with women moving together. Bring an alter item for the community alter (you will take it home with you), and bring a girlfriend to join the experience.Daughters under 18 attending with mothers are free. Small ones need to be able to respect the ‘no talking on the floor’ agreement. No prior experience needed.

Ecstatic dance is a free flowing, unstructured experience. Drug and alcohol free, although Cacao – a heart opening hot chocolate – is usually available for $5. I will do some gentle and minimal facilitation at the beginning of the set. We will gather at 6:30, with an opening circle at 6:45 pm, then dance and a sharing circle to close.

The event is sponsored by Women’s Ecstatic Dance, this is not a workshop or experience that I am producing, I am the guest DJ. I would feel blessed by your attendance and support, if you feel called I hope to see you on the floor.

Pay at the door $20, if you need to come late or leave early that is acceptable, and feel free to bring any women friends.