I love this time of year! The light & dark in our days come into balance. The perfect invitation to breathe and notice…where in my own life am I in balance and where am I out of balance? Perhaps the better inquiry is – where might I cultivate more harmony and a dynamic working balance? This implies the ebb and flow, the dynamic balance of health and general well-being rather than in/out, good/bad, right/wrong comparisons.
The invitation into harmony invites us into the center of our own experience. What feels good in this BodySpirit? Where are the edges to this ‘FEEL GOOD’ and what is the ‘growing edge’ – where I can build capacity to be more comfortable with more life experience? Where can I build more skill and fluency in my life?
In working with the Emotional Body in the Luminous Life Maps system, participants dance with their ‘feel good’, the ‘growing edge’ and where capacity can be cultivated. Learning about embodied boundaries, where their real YES and NO are. The best way to find one’s yes & no is through the body. Feeling and saying a real YES when we mean it and NO when we mean it. This might sound simple…and, it is often REVOLUTIONARY.
With embodied clarity for yes & no people begin to find more TRUST in themselves and experience more SAFETY in every day life. With feeling more trust & safety, people are willing to take more risks, open their hearts, and be bolder in creating the life they long for. When this learning is navigated in a group of supportive connection, the Luminous Life Maps transformation is contagious.
With the energy of SPRING, new beginnings, and the return of more light…WHAT IN YOU is wanting more YES and what wants a clear NO? What might begin to GERMINATE with the practice of more harmony? How might you COME TO THE CENTER of your own direct experience?