This weekend we got the call that a family member slipped on ice and broke a hip. We moved into response mode. We pulled together. I went into that expanded sense of time, where things slow down a bit.
The unexpected in life is one of the places where the rubber meets the road, where we get to see ‘the stuff we are made of’. We get to dance with the unknown and move with the mystery of life…sensing that there is a rhythm there we may not fully hear yet.
How we show up for these life dances matters. Our ability to stay in our body, rather than on auto pilot, in ridged habits or spaced out gives us more ability to respond, fully resourced. If we are lucky we notice more, we see between the lines and spaces that make up our every day life. We open our awareness and our hearts. We gain perspective and deeply relevant, real experience and learning. We are with what really matters.
For me, this kind of awareness is a practice. It is something we cultivate and something that cultivates us. A reciprocal process. A practice. Reflecting on this weekend, I am aware that I feel peace rather than hassled or harried. I feel strengthened by our ability to respond, to find humor, to rest together, to move to right action. I feel fortified.
This up coming weekend is an opportunity for you to practice, to cultivate and be cultivated by moving awareness. There are limited spots available. Register early if you are called to move with what really matters in your own inner life.