Embodied-Imaginal Mentoring & Supervision Group



One night a month for nine months, gather, learn, bring a case to present and more. For mental health therapists of any type, ketamine therapy providers, certified psychedelics or altered states providers. A mentoring and supervision group rooted in the embodied imaginal and unlike any other. This will be both a teaching/learning experience and an opportunity for your own self care and reflection with experiential work in each session. You will learn by practicing new embodiment and imaginal concepts in approaching your cases, through your direct experience with the experiential component of this group and through the group exchange with other clinicians.

Please text me at (385) 202-6477 with questions, if we are not well acquainted with one another please schedule a free consult prior to enrolling. Payment plan available upon request.



Deepen & Expand Your Practice.

So many therapists and healers are working hard during these stressful times. There is an explosion of altered states therapies available to clients…often without much post experience client support to make meaning from these experiences. All practitioner’s schedules are full, waiting lists grow and still the need continues with no real end in sight.

How do you feel deeply confident in your practice, really care for your clients while also taking care of yourself in difficult times?

This is a central question to create sustainable, high caliber, nourishing work for yourself and your clients. I have been a working Imaginal Creative Arts Therapist for well over a decade and a body based, certified altered states healer for over 20 years.

I have learned that connection with like minded friends and professionals is a buoying force. That turning to my own body is a life saving practice while also a rich resource in my client work. That the guiding image is always present and waiting to be seen.

In my desire to deepen and expand my work in the world, I am gathering a small group of therapists and healing professionals for a mentoring and supervision group unlike any other. This nine-month experience will give you three-hours once a month to connect, learn, bring a case for input and experience new ways of working. There will be experiential work in each session. This will be both a teaching/learning experience and an opportunity for your own self care and reflection. You will learn by practicing new embodiment and imaginal concepts in approaching your cases, through your direct experience with the experiential component of this group and through the group exchange with other clinicians.

If you offer Mental health therapy of any type, ketamine therapy or are certified in other psychedelic or altered states treatments this group may be right for you…

Would you like to be part of a group of like minded professionals, where you can experience and practice embodied, imaginal ways of working and being with yourself and your clients?

Where you can review cases and deepen your own learning? Where you can bring questions, learn, share and grow? Then take a closer look.

You will learn ways to:

  • Use your body as a tool or resource in the therapy you offer
  • Help clients make meaning and see the new narrative develop from their experiential therapy
  • Better understand the imaginal and how to attune to this rich realm of meaning in your work
  • Listen for the symbolic, archetypal and Soul in the language of your clients
  • Conceptualize your work from an expanded, non-pathologizing, non-western perspective
  • Recharge and garner insight for yourself with the same concepts you will learn to use with clients

The group will take place one Thursday evening a month, for nine months (beginning January 2022 or February 2022), from 6-9 pm. The intention is to be an in person group with virtual options if needed. There will be time for a quick check in, your questions from the month, a case share and response, experiential work to deepen your practice with the concepts you will be learning. All teaching and experiential work will take place in response to your real life challenges, case shares and needs. This group will not teach you techniques or other approaches, it is designed to support your own deepening and expanding, embodying the concepts and ways of seeing that the embodied imaginal offers.

Please text me at (385) 202-6477 with questions or schedule a consult, if we are not well acquainted with one another please schedule a free consult prior to enrolling. Payment plan available upon request.