
I could go on and on about this book…the bottom line is: READ IT and practice! Being a person who both loves my work and one who can be driven by passion to work a lot…I have found this read a beautiful reminder. I have been reminded of what I have found naturally over the…

Lovenote 017

Time. I have had the strangest relationship with time lately. I hear from others they too are experiencing something similar. The COVID quarantine is about 8 weeks established now. The initial reeling has settled. I have created some form of order and a bit of a rhythm to my days and weeks. Much of this…


What’s in Your Garden? I love what I do. I feel blessed and guided on a regular basis…and…I too need time and space to NOTICE, CULTIVATE and to GATHER what is waiting for me…just outside my normal every day vision. This is both a skill and a practice.   Each time I offer something to…


Happy Solar New Year to YOU!   The Solar Year has begun anew! Solstice 2019…I find myself way more eggar to focus towards new beginnings this year than many – I do, in general, like to honor the dark, lean into resting and deep renewal. I generally feel we rush towards the light as a…


Autumn…Fall. Really the perfect word for this season and the many invitations to FALL – to let go, that this time of year naturally brings. It seems to me we are in a major cycle of death and endings. That we are all having our feet held to the fire in some way. Being required…