MOVING WITH THE MYSTERY This weekend we got the call that a family member slipped on ice and broke a hip. We moved into response mode. We pulled together. I went into that expanded sense of time, where things slow down a bit.   The unexpected in life is one of the places where the…

The Wild Feminine

So this really happened! Summer Solstice celebration – the ritual fire opens with a group of powerful women. We are working with our Thought Body – identifying and releasing beliefs that limit, inviting and invoking what we are calling into form, celebrating with gratitude all that we already have in our lives. Big magic is…

Spring Forward

Time change and the heralding of longer days, evenings that extend, the feeling of ‘more time’ somehow. More time and more energy to make things happen. The body relaxes a bit from the cold of winter, breath comes more fully into the body and more energy in our cells. The cycles of Nature conspire with…