Get Lit Up!

4 Things You Can Do Now: We ‘sell’ change…the basic, stripped away truth is we sell change. This is a hard sell.  No one wakes up in the morning and says, “I think I will change today!”   No way. We tend to fight change, put it off, resist it, and do everything possible to…


3 Ways to Grow Inspiration What is Glimmer?! The Glimmer is that image or thought that shimmers into your awareness ‘from out of no where’. When it comes it is captivating…if only for a moment. Almost like a little seduction…so good and tantalizing. It bleeds through from a life not lived. It grabs your attention, sparks…

Whats working you?

Whats working you in your every day dance with life? This question might be approached on a number of levels.  I am drawn to the realm of inner work, imagination and the body. I experience ‘what works us’ as the dance between the struggles, triumphs and quiet Soul whispers of our every day life.  And so…


YES and NO…such powerful words, simple really…straight forward…right? Ha! How often do you say ‘YES’ when you really mean ‘NO’? Or perhaps you say ‘NO’ but wish you were saying ‘YES’. It can all be so complicated! This is precisely why I love exploring yes and no through the body…through movement and through the powerful…