What can I do?

No matter where you stand related to our country and our world now, you are likely feeling some uncertainty, maybe grief or shock, possibly not sure what you can trust or count on at this time on the planet. I can feel it ‘in the air’. I feel a bit in a vacuum, searching for…

Following the call

I have been in retreat. In this several day experience I was reminded of a very important principle in this journey of The Treasure Map To Your Luminous Life, and the journey of a soulful, creative life. I was reminded of the yummy, deep invitation and permission to simply follow what calls me. What do…

What If…

Yesterday I joined my very small Authentic Movement group for a once a month dive into what is…in this BodySpirit universe I live in. The format we work in is: one serves as sacred witness and the two movers in our group move with eyes closed…following the inner prompts of the body….curious, hunting, following. We…