Happy Solar New Year to YOU!   The Solar Year has begun anew! Solstice 2019…I find myself way more eggar to focus towards new beginnings this year than many – I do, in general, like to honor the dark, lean into resting and deep renewal. I generally feel we rush towards the light as a…


Autumn…Fall. Really the perfect word for this season and the many invitations to FALL – to let go, that this time of year naturally brings. It seems to me we are in a major cycle of death and endings. That we are all having our feet held to the fire in some way. Being required…


Whacked in the Face by Life.  I fell off my bike. I have never fallen like this in my life as an active person and it has brought me face to face with my vulnerability. Literally. My face into the blacktop – feet still on the pedals, bike between my legs vulnerability. Face-to-face with my…


Habits of Being.  I am a couple of weeks into having Tuesday nights without the seasonal modules. The first week or so I found myself rattling around…not quite knowing what to ‘do’ with myself, feeling I was supposed to be somewhere! Ha! What a creature of habit I am. I have been working Tuesday nights…