What are you MADE for? When I said YES to being on the the ‘warmup’ team for OLOX, the Siberian NeoShamanic Arctic Ecstatic Dance Diva, I didn’t give it much thought. Ha! Foolish me. As I have prepared with my collaborating magic friend Vanessa, I have felt a strange importance to it all. I have…

The Imaginal, The Body & The Butterfly

Let’s first define the Imaginal: Henry Corbin post dated Carl Jung, and coined the term Imaginal from his work as an interpreter of Islamic thought and poetry. Corbin describes the Imaginal Realm (mundus imaginalis) as holding images, stories, dream figures, embodied imagery and movements that come to us from some dimension beyond our rational intellectual…


Being SEEN Remarkable & Amazing!  I just had a birthday. Along with well wishes I received these amazing flowers! Real roses, color treated to be these playful, beautiful, unexpected, joyful blooms of goodness. When I opened them I was giddy! They just burst their joy into the room. I was laughing and completely delighted. What an…


SPRING Happy Spring Equinox to you! The middle point, equal space between the shortest and longest days of the year…we are moving out of the darkness and into the light. Hope returns, potential bursts forth, rebirth is all around!   So why do so many of us feel TIRED?! The season change does that to…


MOVING WITH THE MYSTERY This weekend we got the call that a family member slipped on ice and broke a hip. We moved into response mode. We pulled together. I went into that expanded sense of time, where things slow down a bit.   The unexpected in life is one of the places where the…