The most intense and powerful journey I have ever had –exhilarating! Shannon’s direction was phenomenal. Shaman’s journey –transmuting darkness into light! I look to Shannon as a mentor and teacher, can’t wait to go deeper and learn more. Shannon holds amazing space supporting women in their journey back to themselves.
This experience has taught me that my story can change any time I choose. I can sift old beliefs to new ones that feel better. Shannon is amazing…the questions we dance with open me up and help me to see what is hidden so I know what can be different. Shannon’s work is moving beyond words.
This work is shifting my social anxiety, I feel more connection to others and more comfortable in group settings. I’m more comfortable in my own skin and moving through my stuck, anxious, isolated place, where I have been for a long time. Shannon is a great facilitator, she brings love and supportive energy to each and every group. Shannon’s work is life changing, it creates awareness and provides the skills to make the shifts to enhance your life.
I have learned to be more accepting, not having to push my way through, and learning to let go. My body and my fears and anxiety are all loosening. I am sleeping more deeply, I am completing things at work better, I take other people’s expression less personally. Shannon is very loving and meets me where I am, her work is transformative.
I am less critical of my self-talk, and see how it affects and drains me. Things are still shifting in me with work, life and relationships. Shannon is amazing with how she creates and holds space for all of us. Her work is the most therapeutic thing I’ve ever done. Very healing on all levels of physical, mental, emotional.
I have learned to see what stops me, breath through my fears and expand my perception of myself. In my life I see more patience with myself/less reaction to fear. In my work I am more present and patient and in core relationships I listen better, with more patience and understanding for others. This work has been very challenging and very important. Shannon is always ready to meet me and the group where we are…very allowing. Her work is deep, somatic, alchemical magic.
I can soften my hardness around myself and be more gentle now. I learned I don’t have to believe my negative beliefs, I can/have shifted them. I am trusting myself more, going within instead of outside for validation. I’m learning to stay with hard stuff, shift what doesn’t work and build new belief systems rather than getting stuck or heady. In my life I am more confident, more free to be me, less afraid to speak up and more comfortable in my body. I have shifted my work, I realize I manifest quickly! I am more present in my relationships, less analyzing of what they think of me or want from me. I so respect this work and feel so energized by it and by being with the other women. Shannon is inspiring, powerful and wise. Her ability to hold space safely and facilitate has really allowed all of us to shift! Shannon’s work is wisdom in movement and action in creativity.
I have learned to trust my own power and receptivity, I felt distinct transformation of my controlling beliefs, and am loving trusting myself, and my ability and voicing that. In my life I am experimenting with what actually feels good. In my relationships I am drawing boundaries in word and deed measured and authentic firmness and room for growth. I my work I am being accountable, not forcing an issue, sharing when appropriate. Shannon is AWESOME, her work is TRANSFORMATIVE…It works, it sticks!
I can shift my beliefs and thoughts with the power that is already in myself. I am more aware of my thoughts and how they impact my emotions. I can flow within safe, structured freedom. I am powerful and not everything has to be perfect. I can live, dance and love all of myself, I have freedom to choose, react and be present. I know now that I can make choice and be more emphatic with myself. The changes are showing up in my life as me not being so ridged with myself, I forgive myself, I react more slowly than before, I am more clear, my core relationships have grown and blossomed because of this work. Shannon is a powerful, beautiful, talented facilitator. She holds the space effortlessly and in a way that I feel comfortable to be myself…with her work I am learning to know who I am in a way I have never known.
I have become more aware of my thoughts, take more responsibility for what they are creating and shifting the ones that don’t serve me. In my life I’m trusting the flow rather than trying to control and learning to sit with the chaos and not knowing longer. I’m feeling more positive about my work and I feel more loved and supported in my relationships. I have more self and other compassion. The loving, supportive atmosphere here today is much appreciated. Shannon is a wise guide for navigating the challenging landscapes of the Thought Body. Her work is healing and transformative.
Therapist in training, Thought Body Module
Today I received that I am on the right path. The movement was hard but I discovered my personal sovereignty. I am grateful that Shannon does this work. She is a ball of enthusiastic light!
The best part today was the dancing, specifically the moment I let go of what I looked like and fell in love with how I was feeling. It was hard to sit with and face my demons, but I realized –letting go of fear and accepting my emotions was ok. I am grateful for Shannon’s genuine care for those who come into her space. I feel excited to continue this work.