September 11th
This Event is SOLD OUT.

Saturday, September 11th – SOLD OUT

Are you looking for a way to reboot, to get unstuck or awaken your next steps in life?

Do you need to grieve, empty out and let go of all this past year has dealt you?

Release trauma in body and psyche, resolve unfinished biographical material, experience transpersonal consciousness and/or rebirth, regulate the Autonomic Nervous System, connect with psychedelic “trip-like” visions and somatic experiences without ingesting any substances. There is no risk of ‘taking too much’, ’over doing it’ or burning out your neural chemistry. 




Hello dear ones,
I hope this finds you well. Over the past many months I have been listening deeply to the next steps calling me in this rich and beautiful group work I’ve offered for over 20 years. This is the first offer that has taken shape.  Reach out with questions: Space will be limited.  
Let me know if you have any questions. 
Warmly, Shannon.


Saturday September 11, 2021 – Event is Sold Out 

Are you looking for a way to reboot, to get unstuck or awaken your next steps in life?

Do you need to grieve, empty out and let go of all this past year has dealt you?

Are you sick of being held by unconscious constellations that make your life small or hellish?

Are you ready to awaken your inherent expansive free being? Ready to connect with guiding, compassionate resources and become more of who you really are? 


This is an ancient practice with modern consciousness research and resources behind it. In this day long experience you will enter into trance states held by Dr. Shannon Simonelli and supported by Vanessa Davis and Diane Simons. Together we will journey for your healing and transformation. Use the breath as a powerful activator with a specifically designed musical journey to take you out of your conscious mind and into an expanded or altered state of consciousness. This ancient healing practice is grounded in modern technology – known as Holotropic Breathwork (Stan Groff), Psychospiritual Integrative Breathwork (Jacqueline Small) and Shamanic Breathwork (Linda Star Wolf). It’s roots began with the Pranayama breath and evolved to invoke a psychospiritual healing experience to: 

Release trauma in body and psyche, resolve unfinished biographical material, experience transpersonal consciousness and/or rebirth, regulate the Autonomic Nervous System, connect with psychedelic “trip-like” visions and somatic experiences without ingesting any substances. There is no risk of ‘taking too much’, ’over doing it’ or burning out your neural chemistry. 

Shannon Simonelli Ph.D. has been trained and certified in PsychoSpiritual Breathwork for nearly 25 years. She is a masterful space holder of this work and has found much of her own life direction and healing through this sacred process. Space is limited.

Getting to Know You form is required – sent to you upon registration – you will receive a follow up email with what to bring for your Breathwork experience and details about the location and COVID precautions.

The day is at the Krishna Temple in Salt Lake City. Plenty of safe space and a booming sound system.