Weaving Presence
January 15th
This Event is Sold Out


Saturday 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Vitalize Studio

We will gather and greet one another in a gentle and kind way, welcoming ourselves into the space. The physical space of beautiful Vitalize Studio…the space of being together, and the space within. Enjoy gentle music and time to warm the body, reflection and turning inward. We will cultivate moving awareness through Authentic Movement, art making, reflection, witnessing, sharing. Tea and simple nourishment will be provided. Enrollment is limited, COVID protocols in place.

Weaving With Bodies, Fred Hatt image credit

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As I imagine into what you might need…it is a wide target to hit. I keep sorting and picking through, tuning into my own BodySpirit. Noticing where I feel anxious, what brings tension or unwanted expectation. So much has changed. Where do we begin again?

I let that go. Breathe. Feel. Breathe and move. Move into the space. The image that comes is WEAVING. Weaving the threads of all that has been, weaving with all that is now, weaving towards all that is yet to come. Letting the BodySpirit move. Following the unfolding images, the threads of knowing and discovery. Inviting both image and movement to guide us. This is where we will begin.

Join me for Weaving Presence.

One of the primary modalities we will work with is Authentic Movement: Movers move with eyes closed, following internal images and prompts for movement. Movers are witnessed by the Role of the Witness who is non-pathologizing, non-judgemental, and non-diagnosing. Shannon will hold the primary witness role, she has over 1,500 hours in this deep practice which she trusts deeply.

No prior experience needed, just a willingness to move the body, perhaps try something new, take a little risk and be with others in a kind and supportive environment.

Tea and simple nourishment will be provided. COVID protocols in place.

Fred Hatt product image credit