
Category: SKU: shbb


Many people feel underlying nervousness, anxiety or numbness in their body and emotions every day without even realizing it. This can lead to:
• Stress overload
• Create confusion in thoughts and in the nervous system of the body
• Take a toll on health• Zap willingness to take healthy risk
• Diminish desire to do what one loves, the things that matter most in life.SAFE-HAVEN BODY BREAKS is a research based tool to:
• Find your calm center to quiet anxiety
• Create body-based awareness to sooth & empower you
• Bring you home to your OWN AUTHORITY: the fully empowered deep well of ‘knowing what you know’… from the core, in the body, blood and bones. So you can find peace in your body & navigate with AUTHENTIC POWER

This program is approved by the Utah Chapter, National Association of Social Workers for 2 CEUs. Contact us for quiz after completion.

SHANNON SIMONELLI Ph.D., ATR Luminous Life Maps™ Founder & Master Guide“The practices in this package have helped me find such calm and comfort over many years. The Luminous Life Maps™ system is devoted to using non-threatening, creative ways to assist you to feel better now.”