Ecstatic Dance Clubhouse
Sunday Sept. 8
Noon – 2 pm
$20 at door

DJ Unalome – AKA Shannon Simonelli has been creating musical journeys for over two decades…inviting people into The Body and The Soul. Take a journey with this grounded, playful, expansive, expressive, emotional ride of a DJ. Shannon gently facilitates dancers to more fully explore and express, bringing the room more fully alive. Show up as you are, in what ever energy or mood you have…and this is where we begin. Then we see what happens next. All welcome.

$20 at the door



Ecstatic Dance is a welcoming conscious dance practice – no experience is needed and all are welcome. Ecstatic Dance weaves together immersive sound journeys and free- form movement for a full bodied and full hearted experience. It’s a substance-free, community celebration where you can simply be yourself. Experience rejuvenation and inspiration through connection, dance and music.

Event at The Clubhouse (The Ladies Literary Clubhouse) 850 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84102

Schedule: (Arrive and/or leave anytime)

11-12 am yoga or movement instruction

12 noon Opening Circle

12 – 2ish  Ecstatic Dance with DJ Unalome AKA Shannon Simonelli – lightly facilitated to get you into your body and into the groove

Closing circle and food after