Turning Towards Meaning
Saturday May 7th


Saturday, May 7th, 2022

11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Vitalize Studio

Turning towards meaning is an inside – out proposition. Give yourself the time, safety and supportive experience to dive deep. Explore your own movement and allow the healing image to emerge and guide you. We will have time for reflection, writing prompts and sharing to assist you in the process of distilling and naming what is arising within you now.

Space is limited. Register early to reserve your spot.


Life continues to give you so much…some of it difficult, grief filled or painful, some of it hopeful, joyful and expansive. Deepening into your own experience, the truth of what is alive within you, is so very important. It brings you into conversation with your emerging story…the only place you are truly free.

For this we turn towards the body, and embodied exploration through music and movement, we turn towards your inner imagery, art making to bring what’s inside…out. We turn towards reflection, writing the twists and turns of emerging truth, we turn towards each other, sharing in safe circles.

No prior experience necessary, only a willingness to explore, express and discover.

Tea and a variety of snacks are provided. Shannon has been facilitating experiential groups for over 20 years and deeply trusts these modalities, herself and the wisdom of the group.

If you have questions email ShannonSimonelli@gmail.com

Image credit: Ellen Hampel