Women’s Ecstatic Dance – DJ
January 27
6:30 – 9:30 pm
$20 at door


Friday, January 27 Shannon’s DJ debut!

6:30 – 9:30 pm

Salt Lake Krishna Temple

965 E. 3370 S, SLC, UT 84106

$20 at the door


No experience necessary, just a desire to move your body and be with others in a shared, safe space. Come Dance!



I can’t believe I am finally DJing! I have been working at this for some time and am taking the leap! My first DJ event! A Women’s Ecstatic Dance is the perfect place for me to spread my new DJ wings.

I am excited and a little nervous – in a new growth sort of way. If you have never been to ecstatic dance – it is a free flowing, unstructured experience. Drug and alcohol free, although Cacao – a heart opening hot chocolate – is usually available for $5. I will do some gentle and minimal facilitation at the beginning of the set. We will gather at 6:30, with an opening circle at 6:45 pm, then dance and a sharing circle to close.

There is a large alter in the center of the space with divination cards, crystals, candles and a place to put a personal alter item if you would like to bring one. The event is sponsored by Women’s Ecstatic Dance, this is not a workshop or experience that I am producing, I am the guest DJ. I would feel blessed by your attendance and support, if you feel called I hope to see you on the floor.

Pay at the door $20, if you need to come late or leave early that is acceptable, and feel free to bring any women friends.