Whats working you in your every day dance with life? This question might be approached on a number of levels.
I am drawn to the realm of inner work, imagination and the body. I experience ‘what works us’ as the dance between the struggles, triumphs and quiet Soul whispers of our every day life.
And so I wonder…what is working you?
You know the feeling… something in the corners of your thoughts, or ‘under your skin’…like sand in your bed sheets…it is there and then it isn’t. Maybe it is bleeding through from a quiet moment – driving home, washing the dishes, staring out the window on the train or bus. Perhaps you feel it strongly, the irritation, or the desire for something not quite clear.
Part of ‘what works us’ in this every day dance includes the cycles of nature that we are all influenced by…even when we are unaware of them. Think about that, energies we don’t know about influence our perception and experience. That is amazing to me really. We are effected by seasonal shifts, moon cycles, solar flares, planetary shifts and changes – wether we “believe” in them or not.
We are elemental beings. How could we not be worked by these and many other personal rhythms and unfolding stories?!
Acknowledging the New Moon and Full Moon cycle is one way to pause and invite conscious curiosity in this question…what is working me? The rhythmic energy shifts of the moon has a big draw on our body and our psyche. Of course it does, we are 60-75% water! Our cellular structure and physical body is like our own mini ocean…we feel the pull of nature in our very cells. We are elemental beings…and our psyche is akin to the myths and stories of the moon.
So as I imagine the ebb and flow of my own fluid nature and I get curious about the moon cycle at this time, New Moon Super Moon in Gemini – here is what the Mystic Mamma experts say:
First off – a Super Moon is a moon closest to the earth, the experience associated with this Super Moon New Moon energy is one of feeling little ability to impact our life or the circumstances we see in the world. We may feel our longing and desire but feel unable to do anything about it. Nice. Until, that is, we get into alignment with the deeper pull and purpose of our life…our own right rhythm. “We can anticipate ongoing intensity and struggle and the emergence and disintegration of whatever keeps us out of our empowerment and connection to our rightful path.” Pat Liles
Again, the question…what is working you and how might you encourage your own empowered action?
“Medusa was destroyed from looking at her own reflection. We too must be brave enough to gaze upon our fears…and then open a dialogue with them…” Leah Whitehorse
“To make the best of this moon we must commit to an inner journey that may be scary. We may have to face the fact that what we thought we wanted is but a pale reflection of who we truly are.” Sarah Varcas
Inner work, inner journeys and unlocking our vastness instead of living in our scarcity…this is the essence of The Treasure Map To Your Luminous Life work. May you capitalize on this New Moon with reflection and trusting your inner knowing as a primary source of wisdom and guidance and may you release anything that holds you small so that you can unlock your own luminous life.