Luminous Life Maps™ is a life-changing, 20-year scientifically-based system aimed at helping anyone who wants to masterfully navigate life’s transitions, awaken their inner joy, and create their most effective, fulfilled, and powerful lives.

Luminous Life Maps™  ‘travelers’ or participants are often drawn to the system because they feel stuck or lost, disconnected, dissatisfied or overwhelmed by aspects of their lives. Often there is a gap between their life as-is and what they want their life to be like. In some cases, they instinctually sense there is something missing but don’t know what it is. They simply want something more.

Luminous Life Maps™ is the award-winning, proven system available for people who want:

  • To create a healthy transition from life’s unexpected challenges: divorce, career changes, addiction, self-sabotage
  • Self-confidence, self-care, and self-acceptance
  • Their essential brilliance to be seen, embodied, and be the source of their empowered action
  • To find joy, hope and a sense of meaningful connection to their work, relationships and daily life
  • Healthy boundaries, to find their unapologetic ‘yes’ and ‘no’

Participants who take part in Dr. Simonelli’s Luminous Life Maps™ system have reported feeling entirely transformed; social anxiety gone, finding true love, loosing over 100 lbs, and feeling strengthened in their careers. Almost all experience a surge of empowerment and physical confidence which they had never felt before.

When their journey is done, participants feel confident to navigate the twists and turns in their lives. They are unapologetic and passionate. They embody peace and centered calm. They know what it is to draw from their well of self- trust in all they do and create. They are forever changed.

Personal Message from Shannon

Unlock Your Brilliance

Experience your brilliant transformation now.